Well, it had been a while since I have touched knitting needles, the house renovation has been the focus for the past few months. Everything is so dusty from the drywall sanding, I am glad we are not living there yet. Yeech! Next weekend I will start cleaning up one room at a time and priming and painting with low VOC paint. If I don't focus on just one room and not the whole house, I will get overwhelmed.
We found out just three weeks ago that my precious sister in law has stomach cancer. The doctors tried two separate operations and backed out, the tumors were all over her abdomen. We are all so devastated. This has been so surreal in a bad way, yet we maintain a positive attitude, fueled by the strong, brave princess. I am so proud of her and of my brother.
I have been inspired to pick up my lonely knitting needles to knit two soft hats for the princess. We don't know if she will lose her hair or not on the chemo, but it is good constructive behavior on my part, instead of sitting in front of the television, wallowing in self pity--never a good thing and not at all productive. We are being victimized whenever we find ourselves not in control of our lives. Avoid being a victim.
Back to the subject of knitting. The first hat is a beautiful brown-ish, blue-ish black yarn, with a small floppy brim. That gorgeous yarn I am using is from Green Planet Yarn, the place for fair trade, eco-friendly yarn. I saw the pattern on Head Huggers and thought it would be very feminine and cute on her pretty little head.
The instructions say to pick up stitches around the bottom of the crown to construct the brim. I was almost finished tediously pulling the new yarn through with a crochet needle and placing them on the circular needle, then I got to a weak spot on the yarn and it broke. I yanked it all out and started again, picking up the stitches. Now I am happily knitting the brim. I will be finished tonight.
The next hat is also from Head Huggers; a lighter weight style with a lacy edge. The yarn is a black organic cotton and milk fiber!
Drive By
11 years ago